rajsevak. 30/09/2021. without undue delay. . . उत्तर : 300+15pl मंत्रालयिक या परिचारक कार्मिक के ही हो सकती है इस मे से 15 pl को अगले 6 महीने में उपयोग करना होता है अन्यथा वह लेप्स हो जाती है. 1) सर्वप्रथम google पर IFPMS सर्च करे और साइट खोले।. 2) जीपीएफ-2004 पर क्लिक करें वहां आपको लेजर का ओप्शन मिलेगा उस पर. Bonus Order Format Excel File. 27. 6 (10)FD (Rules)/2021 Part. ALY. ) ce 1 ce 2 ry . 03. GPF Slab | GPF Rates prescribed by the Government from March, 2018. 02. Application for bicycle to EWS Girls of Class 6 to 8. ………………………………………………………………………………………. A trigger can have the. o"kZ & ¼1 tuojh 20 dk½ d fy;@izFke fu;qfDr d le; dh LFkkoj lEifÙk dk fooj. Pankaj Jain software. ऋण के सम्बन्ध में मुख्य बिंदु : (State Insurance Loan Process) कार्मिक समर्पण मूल्य व अर्जित बोनस का 90% तक ऋण ले सकते हैं।. Class 6th and 7th Result Sheet 2023 (With 3rd Test) Class 9th. (Effective till Date) S. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Sex Offender Registration Act". कोई साथी Excel Software या. Child Care Leave Application Form: 10. MDM वार्षिक खाद्यान्न आय-व्यय UC प्रपत्र. DOC. Contd. A trigger has this structure: TRIGGER trigger_name triggering_event [ trigger_restriction] BEGIN triggered_action; END; . 10E Form for 2021-2022 by Heera Lal Jat Dt. RSOS Admission Form 2023-24:राजस्थान स्टेट ओपन स्कूल जयपुर द्वारा कक्षा 10th और 12th करने वाले स्वयपाठी छात्रों के लिए ऑनलाइन एडमिशन फॉर्म भरने का कार्यक्रम जारी कर दिया. Candidates are required to fill in details such as Name, Date of Birth, Mother's Name, Father's Name, Age, Nationality, Category, and Course Applied For. Portal for Rajasthan Government Employees, We provide here Rajasthan Service Rules, finanance and acounting rules, latest orders and formats - rajsevak. 27-04-2020. Rajasthan Govt School, Accidental Insurance Fees of Student Studying in Class 9th to 12th Dated:- 23-06-2021. ML- Medical Leave. Privilege Leave (PL) Surrender (Payment) Form (In PDF) समर्पित अवकाश भुगतान आवेदन प्रपत्र (In PDF) फॉर्म डाउनलोड करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए Download form बटन पर क्लिक करे IT Rates for fy 2021-22 Income Tax Rules India. 10. Select Type of Commitment- for Education Department Salary,TA,DA——–> Select Employee (Regular/Contractual) or Other/Office Expenses. Rajasthan Government Employees Portal | rajsevak. हितकारी निधि से सहायता हेतु आवेदन पत्र Hitkari Nidhi Application Form; वरिष्ठ अध्यापक वेतन नियमितीकरण / स्थायीकरण हेतु आवेदन पत्रRajsevak is a term commonly used in India, referring to a government employee or official who serves the public. Pravesh Kumar Sharma. Class 11th. Abhishek Sharma Program. Sawal-Jawab 4 Comments. 06-10-2006Title: PL add form Author: CamScanner Subject: PL add formForm 10E US 89 (1) Form Auto Excel Program | By HEERA LAL JAT | INCOME TAX US 89(1) FORM 10E CALCULATION; Incometax Calculation for Fy 2021-22 in Excel Mobile Version | IncomeTax Calculation In Mobile | By Heera Lal Jat; Income Tax Calculation For F. Form for furnishing particulars of income undr scetion 192(2A) for year ending 31st March 2021 for claiming relief under section 89(1) by a Government servant or an employee in a company, co-operative. Tax Calculation. 18. एक सरकारी कर्मचारी को एक कैलेंडर वर्ष में 30 दिन का उपार्जित अवकाश (Privilege Leave) देय होता है l. 07-11-2023fdjk;s ds edku esa jgus okys jkT; deZpkjh ds fy, edku fdjk;k HkRrk izkIr djus gsrq vkosnu i= 1- uke-----2- in ,o fa oHkkx ftlesa fu;qDr gSChild Care Leave Rule in Rajasthan. Download (New) GPF Nomination Cancelation. 2. 11. Created Date: 1/7/2016 5:07:17 PM. F. RGHS Option Form. 06. CONTACT US : rajteachers. com Rajasthan Government Employees Portal | rajsevak. Kurmi Sir) Bonus Office Order 2023-24 & D. 7-7-2021. kkad esa ½ Enter arrears relates to 2015-16 ¼bl l= 2015&16 dh feyus okyh ,fj;j jkf'k ½ FINANCIAL YEAR- 2016-17 Enter net taxable income for 2016-17 (as per ITR/Form-16) ¼'kq) dj ;ksX; vk; nl ds xq. Dear Sir/Madam,Subscriber Registration Form (Revised) Effective from 01-12-2017: Download: Annexure – N3: Download: Annexure – S5: Download: Death Withdrawal Form 103-GD8%. - Date / TV No. Form No. 6. Excel Software 46 Comments. 12-09-2008 and Dt. मंत्रालयिक कर्मचारी CCLके. HRA Application Form. Saturday , September 30 2023. GPF Slab | GPF Rates prescribed by the Government from March, 2018 (Effective till Date)% - Paymanager Info Group Presents - Paymanager Info Sawal Jawab - GPF SI RPMF SHALA-DARPAN ACP GI PENSION-CASE. Quarantine Leave at Shala Darpan. (iii) Application for Child Care Leave, in the form specified by the State Government, shall have to be submitted to leave sanctioning authority well in time for sanction. FVC Bill Format – Govt for Rajasthan. Kailash Chand sharma Software. कार्मिक के अनुपयोजित उपार्जित अवकाशों (PL) के नकदीकरण हेतु पेंशन विभाग से PPO नम्बर जारी होने के बाद विभाग से अलग से. Excel sheets is very useful in offices and school for income-tax and exam result making. 3. Click on Done to save the adjustments. Microsoft Word - PL Form Author: Administrator Created Date: 2/3/2014 11:55:45 AM. com | rajshiksha | shaladarpan | Govt of Rajasthan | rajsevak. (ii) pay plus pension (for re-employed persons only). Pay in Slip [SB-103] 490 KB. 11. All Employees Itax Calculation 2023-24 (By:Parmanand Meghwal) Ummed Tarad Income Tax Calculation 2023-24 Excel Program. Apart form the above major investments expenses for children’s education (Only Tution Fee (for which you need receipts)), can be claimed as deductions under Sec 80C. meaning; word-choice; synonyms; Share. Subscriber Registration Form (Revised) Effective from 01-12-2017: Download: Annexure – N3: Download: Annexure – S5: Download: Death Withdrawal Form 103-GD01. Bhagwati Lal Sanadhaya Software. PayManager Related Forms is the Pay Bill Preparation. 5 8. P. 3/1/2019 3/31. Y. 6. Teacher Related Forms in Rajasthan This teacher recruitment both General & Special Education. 4. ACR Format – 1. Child Care Leave Application Format. 2021: 41: Board Result 2021 Class-12 अंक गणना : 01. Receipt numbers of form No. 03-08-2021; Income Tax F. 2006. pay 5. LPC (Last Pay Certificate) Form Download. 12. 2021-22 | आयकर वेतन ड्रा By Heera Lal Jat Updated On 21-11-21 हितकारी निधि राशि कटौती सम्बन्धी सभी जानकारी. 07. CPenF- Contributory Pension Fund. 6. pl+nnv[ ig v [ v yrgntnnvdddddddddddd gn irrm n yngi/hg yrgntn gv y rn /rkgcu ig v [ v yrgntnnvd gv ynqvtnnvd@ n ovrn lti/ugn gv yrgntn e8q]nw lc % gk l]iu od;x gmvd$ º o yrgntn gn l]gnm yrgntn gn iqxndgrnm irrm n gt od> n l]otiu yrgntn iluc5r yrgntn yr6uixg yrgntn limriu=u yrgntn yngi/hg yrgntn lq l])nh r n=GPF Slab | GPF Rate | GPF Deduction in Rajasthan. शाला दर्पण प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा पूर्णता प्रमाण पत्र (कक्षा -5) परीक्षा 2021-22 के फॉर्म भरने की प्रक्रिया. 9. Orders - rajsevak. Click hereto login to PLclients. विदेश यात्रा अनुमति हेतु अवेदन के सम्बन्ध मे दिशा-निर्देश. Title: Microsoft Word - GA141-Regular-Service-Certificate-By-Abhishek-Sharma-Dt-2-4-21 Author: DILOD HATHI Created Date: 4/2/2021 9:33:42 PM अवकाश नियम राजस्थान. Excel Software Leave a comment. k foHkkxh; tkWp@ 'kkfLr dk fooj. nic. GPF Rate as on March 2018. P. कर्मचारी मनोनयन-पत्र Employee Nomination Form GA126. G. वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि फॉर्मेट AGI Form 6th Pay Commission; वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि फॉर्मेट AGI Form 7th Pay Commission; बोनस Sanction Office Order FY 2015-16; Bonus Sanction Office Order FY 2017-18; Bonus Sanction Office Order FY 2018-191 pSd fyLV vkjksi izekf. सभी प्रकार के फॉर्म. So that the employee can be given concessional leave. Kurmi Sir) Bonus Office Order 2023-24 & D. सहायक. –. रोजाना एक प्रश्न. com | rajshiksha | shaladarpan | Govt of Rajasthan. . प्रश्न-1:- दिसम्बर माह में हितकारी निधि राशि वेतन से किस दर से कटौती की जानी है. Sports All In One Software Dt. Memorandum regarding successful completion of period of probation by probationer trainees and grant of pay in the pay scale/running pay band of the post. क्या पूर्व पदस्थापन स्थान व अवधि की PL वर्तमान DDO जोड़ सकता है ?दोनों प्रकार के पत्र लिखिए चुटकियों में_ 😁😘🌹🙏 🇮🇳🇮🇳 *वंदे मातरम्* 🇮🇳🇮🇳 🙏 Team rajsevak. 2021: 43: Budget FY 2021-22 :By-HeeraLal Jat: 04. Chittorgarh Rajasthan. New Software. Bhagirath Malkalwaniya Program. ACP FITMENT ORDER PDF. Assistant Professor (EAFM) Maharana Pratap Govt. dk;kZy; -----dzekad@ys[kk % fnukad % 1. 06. दोस्तों हम देश के निवासी होने के साथ कोनसे राज्य के मूल निवासी है इसकी जानकारी के लिए हमारे पास मूल निवास. Excel Program Download Link :: - [300 Days PL Encashment Office Order Click to Download ##eye##] New Employye ID (Paymanager) PAN Card Application Form. 12-09-2008 and Dt. Table for Basic Pension from Rs. Heera Lal Jat. Reappointment of Retired Employees in Rajasthan - Rajasthan Service Rules - Job for Retired Govt employees in Rajasthan - Web Portal Rajasthan Govt EmployeeRajasthan Domicile Certificate FAQs. ( As Per Order Dt. Power Level = 1 Goku was sent to Earth. Fox, on the other hand, comes from the Old English fox, which was a strong noun; its Old English plural was foxas, whence we get foxes. PL- Privileged Leave. बोर्ड परीक्षा हेतु वीक्षक उपस्थिति प्रमाण-पत्र. P. com - RSR. GPF Slab | GPF Rate | GPF Deduction in Rajasthan. k i=Enter net taxable income for 2017-18 (as per ITR/Form-16) ¼'kq) dj ;ksX; vk; nl ds xq. com | rajshiksha | shaladarpan | Govt of Rajasthan | rajsevak. 2021: 42: Board Result 2021 Class-10 अंक गणना : 01. § 168. He had grown up with Grandpa Gohan training, and that's why he was the most powerful at the time. गार्गी पुरुष्कार एवं बालिका प्रोत्साहन पुरुष्कार आवेदन पत्र. TOTAL F Signature of Employee. IFPMS PL Budget Infomation. Bonus Order Format Excel File. 2021: 43: Budget FY 2021-22 :By-HeeraLal Jat: 04. gov. Bank A/C. Download (New) Tags General Provident Fund General Provident Fund Forms gpf application form pdf gpf transfer form. Assignment #. 5. of Rajasthan. 2. 01-05-2020. 26. k i= Reverse Details of Recoveries (Part- 4) olwfy;ksa dh foxr Nature of Recovery Total Amount Recoverable No. 15 दिवस समर्पित वेतन हेतु कार्यालय आदेश प्रारूप. Sunil Kumar Mahawar Software. 18-11-2022. Paymanager Info Group - Portal for Rajasthan Government Employees, We provide here Rajasthan Service Rules, latest orders and format. 07. All Special Assistants / Private Secretaries to Ministers / State Ministers. (3) सेवानिवृति पर शेष जमा अवकाश का नगद भुगतान : नियम 91(b) के अनुसार सेवानिवृति पर अनुपयोजित उपार्जित अवकाश के एवज में अधिकतम 300 दिन pl का. (iv) Child Care Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Phone: +91 141 5111010. Band Exist. –. 2021: 40: Admission Process Excel Program for Mahatam. वित्त विभाग ने राजस्थान पेंशनर्स मेडिकल फण्ड की नयी दरें जारी की Dt. N SI NT RPMF C ce l DS i f 1 2 l n t Bill No. teachers related formates (शिक्षक संबंधी फॉर्म-प्रपत्र) school related formates. Bonus Sanction Office Order FY 2017-18. rajsevak. उच्च माध्यमिक परीक्षा (12वीं) आवेदन-पत्र 2019. This PL Form PDF can be downloaded from the official website dop. Sawal-Jawab 4 Comments. You can click on the link. 8 11/1/2021. Commercials can only used in pl form to mean a special type of advertisement, the video format on TV. 2020-21 Mobile Version Update on 27-02-2021; Income Tax F. HRA Sanction Order Excel Utility (18-11-2020) (by Hansraj Joshi, Principal) 07. R. A. 5 lakh CALCULATION OF RELIEF UNDER SECTION 89 (1) Name : Address : Status Indian Resident INCOME ( Rs ) FINANCIAL YEAR- 2015-16 FINANCIAL YEAR- 2016-17 FINANCIAL YEAR- 2017-18 Enter net taxable income for. in. 06-10-2006 Title: PL add form Author: CamScanner Subject: PL add form Form 10E US 89 (1) Form Auto Excel Program | By HEERA LAL JAT | INCOME TAX US 89(1) FORM 10E CALCULATION; Incometax Calculation for Fy 2021-22 in Excel Mobile Version | IncomeTax Calculation In Mobile | By Heera Lal Jat; Income Tax Calculation For F. email – blsanadhya@gmail. PDF. 2021 to 30. PL/SQL is a procedural language. 12BA, wherever applicable) (c) Profits in lieu of salary under section 17(3) (as per Form No. ALL-IN-ONE OFFICE EXCEL SOFTWARE Update Dt 14-11-2023; Pension Death Case 46 प्रतिशत – अनुकम्पा नियुक्ति आवेदन पत्र Excel Software Update Dt. Form DS-11 must be printed on separate sheets of paper; do NOT print this form on front and back of the same sheet. 1. Child Care Leave Application Form: 10. –. Subscriber Registration Form (Revised) Effective from 01-12-2017, Download. CP Kurmi is very Excellent and Clean excel Sheet Developer. Visa application form without blanks, signed by the applicant - if minor (below 18 years old), signed by both parents or legal guardians; the signature as the one in the passport. SURRENDER OF PL का भुगतान उठाया है तो "Yes",अन्यथा "No" चुने व जिस माह में भुगतान. rajshaladarpan. kkad esa ½. This website is best viewed using Internet Explorer 7/higher or Mozilla. §168-a. ( As Per Order Dt. Increment Order Format 7th pay commission usasble for all years. 17 House Rent Allowance Rules in. . com | rajshiksha | shaladarpan | Govt of Rajasthan. 12-09-2021. - 16 Get House Rent Form property Intrest on Home Loan Relief under section 87(i) Less Than amount 3. PL Form PDF: DOC: Application for appointment to the Dependants of Deceased Government Servant. Child Care Leave Direction Hindi: 12. All officers and employees of Rajasthan government are very grateful for their invaluable contribution. Option form for Pensioners; Fixation Statement for Employees; Option form for Employees; Revised pay scale 2008 Rules; Revision of Pension; 7Th Pay . FORM NO - 10E - Income Tax Department : 25. राज-काज हैल्पडेस्क सम्पर्क फोन: 0141-2922281, ई-मेल rajkaj. Hit Done. How to download Rajasthan domicile certificate form pdf ? हमने आपको राजस्थान मूल निवास प्रमाण पत्र फॉर्म को डाउनलोड करने का लिंक हमारी वेबसाइट पर. 2 25 18. मिड-डे-मील कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत विद्यालयों द्वारा प्राप्त आय एवं व्यय विवरण पत्रक. Tags. Online Training Regarding IFMS Salary Bill Automation. Commitment Estimate Amount (INR)->>>> Fill Total Amount of All Heads, Budget Submitted by a DDO last year according to Format 8 (Budget Estimate. राजस्थान शिक्षक संघ (राष्ट्रीय) राजस्थान शिक्षक संघ (राष्ट्रीय) शिक्षकों के मध्य योजक के रूप में मंच प्रदान करने वाला एकमात्र वृहद संगठन है जो ‘इदम. 3. Shala Darpan Related Formats | शाला दर्पण सम्बन्धी प्रपत्र. Proforma for Annual Health Checkup of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) Officers. M] rglhy rFkk xko dk. ACP आवेदन पत्र Pay Scale 2008 Education Dept. Nouns: singular and plural - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionarypara ti. Fill in your personal information accurately, including your name, address, contact details, and. Introduction : Sh. Year Peroid with the Employer Adressप्रश्न 01 : सेवानिवृत्त कार्मिक के GPF क्लेम के Claim Form के साथ क्या. Menu. A trigger is a PL/SQL unit that is stored in the database and (if it is in the enabled state) automatically executes ("fires") in response to a specified event. 3. LAST PAY CERTIFICATE xr Hkqxrku izek. PL Surrender Employee Name :-Ministerial Staff Yes/No :- GPF Loan SI Loan PD Head Select Yes/No :-CCA yxrk gSa rks select Yes / No %&. Click Here to Download Excel Utility::🙈🙈 [DA Difference Sheet By CP Kurmi Click to Download ##eye##]RGHS Government Orders. 2) साइट ओपन करने पर दाएं साइड में Pensioners Service में दो विकल्प नजर आएंगे।. Rajasthan Board Exam 2023 Question Bank. ( As Per Order Dt. in साइट ओपन कर स्कूल लॉगिन नही करके स्क्रोल करने पर नीचे अलग-अलग विंडो दिखाई देती हैं जिनमें से स्टाफ विंडो पर क्लिक कर ओपन करते हैं।Note : The entries in this page should be renewed or re-attested at least every five years and the signature in Column no. Apply your electronic signature to the PDF page. Class 1st and 2nd Result Sheet 2023. फॉर्म, कार्मिक का शाला दर्पण पर नाम परिवर्तन हेतु आवेदन, अंतिम वेतन प्रमाण. GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN Statement of first. 12 2020 guftom B U6 ia H 02 IeaH a a H 20 TqEIlCTA (10 HTfa va 10 HTfa) bI 3dach a|TEET ATEDTT Y AetfRa-ÀI STST 2. Integrated ShalaDarpan, Rajasthan. For Grant of incentives to the AIS. Child Care Leave in Rajasthan (CCL) : Child Care Leave (CCL) is granted to women employees for a maximum period of two years (i. 26-12-2021; IT Sheet with March 20 Freeze Salary : वित्तीय वर्ष 2021-22 का एस्टीमेट आयकर गणना प्रपत्र Excel Sheet Dt. Rajshiksha - Director Secondary Education DPC List Rajshiksha Principal DPC - Senior Teacher DPC - Lecturer DPC - rajasthan education dpc 2020. fdjk;s ds edku esa jgus okys jkT; deZpkjh ds fy, edku fdjk;k HkRrk izkIr djus gsrq 1- uke vkosnu i= 2- in ,oa foHkkx ftlesa fu;qDr gS-----3-E:dopFormsForm - H. A profit and loss statement, also known as a P & L, is a business document used to summarize the financial health of a business during a certain period of time. 5. 12BA, wherever applicable)PL Surrender Employee Name :-Other Arrear Other Do You want to Freeze Your March Salary By Order RPMF GPF Loan SI Loan CCA yxrk gSa rks. 10. HRA Sanction Order Excel Utility (18-11-2020) (by Hansraj Joshi, Principal) 07. Lastname: First name: Date of birth: Carrier name: Date of arrival: Time of arriv: Point of departure: Point of arrival: Reason for travel (tick one): Holiday/Travel: C1 Work: [] Transfer fight: C1 Transiting to Northern Irelane: (] Relocating to Ireland: C] Other (please specify): Exemption Ifyou are leaving the port or airport but will. QL- Quarantine Leave. 3. Download Rajasthan PL Form PDF REPORT THIS If the purchase / download link of Rajasthan PL Form PDF is not working or you feel any other problem with it, please REPORT IT by selecting the appropriate action such as copyright material / promotion content / link is broken etc. xml ¢ ( ÌVÉnÛ0 ½ è? ¼ 4 ŠÀr I{l $ýš KŒÅ Ʊÿ¾#zi È‹ ÉE 5ï½y fr»2u¶„€ÚÙ‚]äc– •Ni[ ìïÓ¯Ñ –a V‰ÚY(Ø ÝN¿~™=`FÑ VÅèo8GY ˜; –Væ. Application for acceptance of employee’s leave abroad. 27-11-2022. 07-09-2023. 2021: 41: Board Result 2021 Class-12 अंक गणना : 01. 1-1-राज्य कर्मचारी को प्रत्येक पूर्ण वर्ष की सेवा. FORM OF APPLICATION FOR LEAVE UNDER THE RAJASTHAN SERVICE RULES 1. com Rajasthan Government Employees Portal | rajsevak. 08. Pankaj Chawla Excel Software. 300/- is to be deposited for Police Clearance Certificate( PCC). 405 KB. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. February 9, 2022 Dinesh Kumar Vaishnav, रोजाना एक प्रश्न. 3 30 20. Personal Details. ( As Per Order Dt. PL Surrender Employee Name :-Ministerial Staff Yes/No :- Other Arrear Other Do You want to Freeze Your March Salary By Order RPMF GPF Loan SI Loan. Vijay Kumar PrajapatLatest Program : All Purpose Sports Software Dt. Before submitting this form, please ensure the name has been searched for availability for registration. k dky ds cnys mikftZr vodk'k izi= 1 uke vf/kdkjh@deZpkjh 2 orZeku in 3 iwoZ inLFkkiu LFkku 4 uohu inLFkkiu LFkku 5 LFkkukarj. 1. 23100/-. com | rajshiksha | shaladarpan | Govt of Rajasthan | rajsevak. Jankalyan portal (a Public Welfare Portal) fulfills this ideology of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan “जनकल्याण ही प्राथमिकता जनकल्याण ही. –. P. post held 3. kZ; fnukad iqujhf{kr osrueku. 26-12-2021; IT Sheet with March 20 Freeze Salary : वित्तीय वर्ष 2021-22 का एस्टीमेट आयकर गणना प्रपत्र Excel Sheet Dt. formats Leave a comment. No. 11 123456. dk;kZy; ----- dekd %& fnukd % ----- mifLFkfr iek. 3. जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी (मुख्यालय) प्रारंभिक – राजसमन्द. 10. M] rglhy rFkk xko dk uke ftle lEifrRajasthan Service Rules - RSR Rules Rajasthan Government Employees Portal | rajsevak. Absentee Statement form –. 16 [(See Rule 31(1)(a)] PART-A Certificate under section 203 of the income-tax act, 1961 for Tax deducted at source on Salary. 06-10-2006Available Solution : Salary Calculation on Increment. pay. P. All officers and employees of Rajasthan government are very grateful for their invaluable contribution. The Unique website for Rajasthan Government Employees. Date P. 2. S. ofRajasthan Government Employees Portal | rajsevak. It will be released within four days but if any case, it will be released. MDM DISTRIBUTION (July 21 to Aug 21) EXCEL UTILITY BY HR JOSHI Dt. 2022-23. PL Earn Sanction office order under RSR-92B Dt. 2. :-SI No. The government of Rajasthan is committed to public welfare as well being of its public is the priority of the Government. Excel sheets is very useful in offices and school for income-tax and exam result making. Application Form For Pre-Mature Closure Of Account. 2021: 44: Bonus Office Order By:Heera Lal Jat : 25. GPF Slab | GPF Rate | GPF Deduction in Rajasthan as per six pay commission and 7th pay commission and new slab also available for Year 2020. . sipf(new) पोर्टल की जानकारी : राज्य बीमा एवं प्रावधायी निधि विभाग द्वारा फिलहाल ही पूर्व के sipf पोर्टल को अपडेट कर न्यू वर्जन sipf (new) के नाम से चालू किया है जिसमे. 13 (21) FD/Revenue/76- Part. Candidates who have qualify in the REET/ RTET Exam can. Save or instantly send your ready. PL AREAR SHEET Dt. Application for appointment to the Dependants of Deceased Government Servant. कार्यालय आदेश स्वीकृति (CCL)-Child Care Leave: 13. Telephone: (877)499-8606. com. 3. L. List of fake Universities by UGC for April 2018. 1. com Rajasthan Government Employees Portal | rajsevak. 886906 9. 12. 5 8/1/2021. 9. Arrear 46% Excel Program (By:Ummed Tarad) Bonus Office Order 2023-24. 1. com. You can find 3 variants; a typed, drawn or uploaded signature. Department 'office and section. Bonus Order Format Word File. DA Arrear 46% Excel Sheet. 4. 09. SC Scholarship Format 2017-18.